Berlin, Germany

An outstanding dancer and choreographer, teacher, writer, filmmaker and artist. Recipient of major awards at international dance competitions in Jackson, Varna, Helsinki, Mexico, and Moscow.

Dietmar Seyffert received his choreographic education in Dresden, Leipzig and then at the Leningrad (at present Saint Petersburg) State Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov. He has staged ballets in 32 countries, including all of Berlin’s music theatres, as well as theatres in New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Belgrade, and Buenos Aires. His productions include Le roi nu (The Naked King), David and Goliath, The Flight of Birds, La Fille mal gardée, Les trois mousquetaires (The Three Musketeers) and The Rite of Spring. From 1976 to 1979, he ran Staatsoper Berlin ballet company. From 1979 to 1986, he was appointed chief choreographer and artistic director of the Opernhaus Leipzig ballet company. At the same time, he was teaching at the choreography department of the Theaterhochschule Hans Otto, Leipzig. In 1988, he became a Professor at the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch in Berlin.

In 2007, Seyffert defended his thesis for his Doctorate of Philosophy on “Pedagogy of Choreography”. He is an artistic director of the International Academy of Dance in Berlin. Currently, Seyffert is working as a choreographer with theatres in Basel (Switzerland) and Calcutta (India).

Author of numerous films and the book “Pedagogy and Psychology of Dance”.